Do any of these situations sound familiar?
You’ve been called into a meeting at short notice, they want to know about your statistics since you rolled out a recent course.
Perhaps you work in a regulated sector, where your regulator or other interested parties can request detailed reports about the competence and compliance of your staff at any time.
Does your organisation offer training to other organisations who each want their own bespoke reports?
Or maybe you are simply inundated with requests from Managers across your organisation who want to be able to monitor their teams' learning quickly and simply.
The good news is that Totara has a variety of inbuilt reports, and gives you the chance to create your own custom reports, using our report builder. In this course, you’ll explore your options for reporting in Totara, specifically how to:
Run administration reports
Create user generated reports
Customise embedded reports
Export reports
Create graphs and other visualisations of your data
Make reports available to other users depending on their organisation, position or role
Schedule reports to be automatically sent to you and other users inside or outside the system
Perhaps you’d like to build a graphical report showing you the number of learners who have completed a course vs the number who haven’t! Watch the video to learn how to build your own graphical report.
You can sign up for the Academy courses here. It's free. It's unlimited. Your team can access training 24/7/365. When new team members come on board they can access training immediately to get up to speed. Why wait, register and get started today or get in touch for more information.
Learning Management. Solved.
#ChamburyLS #totaralearning #LMS #totaraacedemy
Written with contribution from the team at Totara HQ. Find the original post on the Totara blog.