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Imagine... Appraisal made Simple

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

Do you struggle making appraisal happen in your organisation? Do you have any idea which staff are competent? More importantly do you know which staff are not competent and what their training needs?

If you are answering Yes, you’re not alone.

Most systems make their predefined appraisal process the only way to manage this. They tell you how it has to be done. They are complicated for your managers and staff to use and have limited reporting abilities.

Imagine… if you had a system that lent itself to the annual appraisal cycle, allowing input at various stages throughout the year, leading to a simple ‘end of year’ sign off.

Imagine… if you had a system that could adopt your local paperwork with the types of responses you require.

Imagine… if you had a system that could incorporate corporate objectives, personal objectives, competences, required learning and more.

Imagine… if you had a system that could record multiple responses from the appraisee, their appraiser and the department manager and more.

Imagine… if you could build in pay progression markers.

Imagine… if you could report on all of this.

You don’t have to imagine, it’s already available.

Totara LMS is the only system for appraisal that Think North recommend to our clients. Simply because it of its wide range of functionality and complete flexibility. Using Totara’s in built powerful tools you can manage employee performance including the conducting of the appraisal itself, recording of discussion, feedback and analysis between managers and their staff, and align performance with personal and organsiational goals /objectives.

Many of our clients find that Totara requires little or no training need to end user, yes, it is really that simple to use.

Totara unlocks and enables learning and performance processes though technology.

Want to know more, click here to get in touch or email using


You can create multiple custom bespoke homepages and menus for different groups of staff. Ensure your staff only see what’s required. With Totara users only see what’s necessary.


Define your audiences that define which employees need which appraisal form(s) – yes you can have more than one template at any one time targeted to different groups of staff.

You can create audiences using meaningful combinations of rules (such as job, department, pay grade, all of these combined or more?). The Totara can automatically assign the correct appraisal form to all staff including new starters. Totara keeps audience membership up to date.


You can connect your organisational goals, with detailed objectives, at individual level, or audience level, in a simple central process. You can have unlimited sets of Goals aimed to different groups of staff. Maybe some higher level goals for your senior team and another set for more junior staff?


You can design multiple feedback /360 degree forms, again targeted at different groups of staff, and allow staff and their managers to gather feedback from their peers, both internal and external to your organisation.


As with all of Totara’s features, appraisal is completely flexible. You can create custom forms, seamlessly assign these to selected audiences, define stages for when the forms need to be complete and send out custom reminders.

Importantly you can monitor progress at any time. Staff can share status updates. Managers see how appraisals are proceeding and follow up when appropriate. Administrators can report on overall progress.

Totara can take your paperwork, and translate it into an automatic electronic process.



It’s easy to build multiple competence frameworks, and push these automatically out to staff and their managers. You can even link courses to aid career progression.

Team Management

Your managers need to monitor progress and compliance on an ongoing basis. The reporting process can be hugely time consuming, especially if various managers across your organisation are all interested in measuring slightly different statistics.

With the core dashboard functionality in Totara LMS, we can simplify this by building custom live dashboards, which can be shared with appropriate managers across your organisation so they can easily view up-to-date compliance reports.

Dashboards also contain tasks and alerts that managers can act on, and it’s all only one click from the login page.

Powerful Reporting

Flexibility is key and Totara has that key. Use the powerful report builder to design and push bespoke reports out to your users, at all levels. Add custom filters and columns.

You can also create aggregated reports with percentages and graphs.

You can add compliance graphs to any user’s homepage making it simple for users to view exactly where they are up to at that point in time.

Totara reports run within seconds, no waiting for minutes and hours or overnight for your data!

Learning Management. Solved.

Chambury Learning Solutions is a Totara Platinum Partner specialising in Learning Management systems (LMS) and eLearning content development. Get in touch.

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