Integration of the NHS Core Skills Training Framework with Totara
The ESR : Chambury Learning Solutions Totara CSTF Interface is designed to transfer learning completions bi-directionally between the NHS ESR and the Totara Learn LMS. The link is designed to meet the NHS Streamlining programme updating competence achievements for NHS staff across NHS Trusts.

key benefits
The link provides a series of benefits and time and cost savings for NHS Trusts who use Totara including;
Automatic creation of temporary accounts for applicants at a status at and beyond offered post conditional
Updates Totara profile fields with ESR data and promotes to permanent user accounts once hired
Upon termination can [optionally] automatically suspend users on Totara
Enables inbound and outbound one-to-one and one-to-many relationship mappings between ESR Competences and Totara Certifications
Maintains and updates Totara Certifications upon completion of ESR Competency Achievements
Maintains and updates ESR Competency Achievements upon completion of Totara Certifications
how does it work?
ESR sends across applicants at offered post conditional status and after; Totara can create an account for that user with the core ESR data fields which can be utilised by applicants to begin their onboarding learning. Upon successful employment this account is then updated with the additional ESR data fields via the interface.
When staff leave employment and they are terminated on ESR their termination date is provided. The account can then be automatically suspended, which in turn disables that user login retaining their data for future audit or account reactivation.
how do competence achievements get updated?
Chambury's custom plugin enables Site Administrators to create local mappings between each of their Certifications and the ESR CSFT Competences along with a selection of configuration tools to enable complete local flexibility.
You can create one-to-one or one-to-many relationships between ESR Competences and Totara Certifications, alongside this ESR Competence versioning is also supported. This supports where ESR Competencies are no longer in use to ensure the mappings are appropriate and correct.
Where an ESR Competence is not mapped to any Totara Certification(s) these can be added to a user’s Evidence Bank to ensure a full record on each users account, but only accepting confirmed recognised mappings into your local compliance reports.
can I use the ESR CLS CSFT Interface alongside HR Import?
You can use the CSTF ESR inbound interface alongside your existing HR Import processes, whether these are completed using manual uploads or automated by direct data transfer.
Core fields are transferred from ESR to Totara including first, middle and last name, email address, date of birth, along with the required ID numbers. You can backfill this with any additional profile fields you require within the LMS including (for example) pay-scale description, manager, position and organisation. We can automate this for you alongside the interface.
can I use the ESR CLS CSFT interface and have integration between Totara and Active Directory?
Most of our customers have integration to AD for single authentication. The ESR CSTF Interface can supplement this existing Totara integration. Chambury's team of developers can enable both services on your Totara Learn system to ease your local administration.
In addition, we have additional automated plugins to further automate these integrations removing laborious administrative tasks and fully automate your user data management. This results in savings and enables your LMS Administration team to concentrate on learning and not spend time on HR data management.
where can i get more information
Just get in touch for more information, you can do this by clicking the 'contact' button on the menu above or by emailing us at
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